Brace yourselves, new posts are coming

After a long hiatus I decided I should spend some time writing posts here again. I started blogging because I realized that writing about something I had discovered made me understand it better. As a bonus, by putting it on the internet it might have been useful to someone in times when documentation on Axapta was hard to find. Especially my, at the time very new to Axapta, coworkers may have received a couple of links.

As time passed, I got less involved in mentoring people, official documentation improved a lot, priorities shifted and I stopped writing altogether. I used other tools, like Evernote, to keep track of useful information for myself. The Ax developer community has grown immensely since then and many have started blogging too.

Lately, I’ve had my share of amazement, frustration and insights while dealing with Ax. Progress was often attained because someone took the time to answer a question on Stack Overflow, write a blog post or publicly document their findings somehow. And with help from my coworkers of course. Can’t forget those. In the spirit of paying it forward I decided to revive this blog. It’s nice to have a place to redirect people to when they have questions.

I’ve been cleaning up this mess for the past few days but the blog still needs quite a bit of maintenance. WordPress has changed significantly and getting rid of the smell of stale bits is no laughing matter. More real content will arrive shortly.

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